Talks and Presentations
Invited Lectures
Environmental Challenges in the digital age: Opportunities and Challenges for national and local governments. Presentation for the Dutch Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), Den Haag, December 2018.
Big Data for Local Policymaking: Fad or Fasttrack? Presentation for the Knowledge Lab Urban Big Data, Rotterdam, April 2017.
VPRO Tegenlicht/ Blacklight SMART CITIES, Meet Up The Hague, Panel member, Den Haag, March 2016.
Data for Policy Conference (Cambridge University), Session: Data-driven Policy: Experimentation versus Regulation?, Panel Member, Cambridge UK, September 2016.
Environment, Science & Technology: Policy and Practice. CCICED Management for Environment and Development Training, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, June 2014.
RSD 12 - Amsterdam: Keynote by Domenico Dentoni and discussion panel on just digital life
This is one out of 5 videos recorded for the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) Academy. Please find all videos on ‘Data management in smart cities’ here:
Conferences/ Workshops
Co-Chair in the Panel Algorithmic Governance, NIG Conference, Utrecht, November 2021.
Giest, Sarah and Ishani Mukherjee. Evidence integration for coherent nexus policy mixes: European perspectives on managing water-energy interactions in the Panel Cross-sectoral coordination and institutional innovation in water governance. ICPP, virtual, July 2021.
Co-Chair in the Panel Algorithmic Governance, NIG Conference, Virtual, November 2020.
Chair of the Track ‘For good measure’: The challenges of quantifying complex problems for policymaking, Data for Policy, virtual event, September 2020.
Co-Chair and Discussant in the Panel Algorithmic Governance, NIG Conference, Amsterdam, November 2019.
Co-Chair and Discussant in the Panel Beyond Typologies: Innovation in the Study of Environmental Policy Instruments, ICPP, Montreal, June 2019.
Giest, Sarah and Ishani Mukherjee. Behavioral Insights Teams and Policy Change in the EU Energy Policy Domain, ICPP, Montreal, June 2019.
van den Berg, Annelieke, Giest, Sarah, Groeneveld, Sandra and Wessel Kraaij. Data-Driven Selective Recruitment for Diversity in Citizen Participation, Data for Policy, London, June 2019.
Giest, Sarah and Jose Miotto. Challenges of data-driven evaluation of soft policy instruments: The poverty pass, Data for Policy, London, June 2019.
Giest, Sarah, Miotto, Jose and Wessel Kraaij. The Working Poor in Urban Areas: Effective policy initiatives. Data for Policy, London, September 2017.
Giest, Sarah. Mixing regulatory and non-regulatory instruments in sustainability policy: Nudging for reduced energy consumption. ICPP, Singapore, June 2017.
Co-Chair in the panel 'Big Data/Sensor Revolution and Public Policy', ICPP, Singapore, June 2017.
Giest, Sarah. Do Nudgers Need Nudging? The Role of Implementing Agents in Environmental Policy. Environmental Politics and Governance Conference, Indiana, US, June 2017.
Giest, Sarah. Nested mechanisms: Nudging for reduced energy consumption. GDN Workshop, Singapore, February 2017.
Giest, Sarah, Koene, Ansgar, Perez Vallejos, Elvira, Pitkänen, Olli and Mattia Fosci. Online spaces for urban citizen engagement: A comparison of civic apps. Data for Policy, Cambridge, UK, September 2016.
Giest, Sarah and Elena Zukauskaite. Making energy personal: Systemic challenges in smart meter implementation. EGPA Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 2016.
Giest, Sarah. Big Data Analytics for Policy Design: Eliminating Uncertainty or Paralysing Decision-Makers? IPSA Conference, Poznan, Poland, July 2016.
Giest, Sarah. Cities in Transition: Using Big data for smart city goals (Presentation/Poster). Meet BOLD minds for Future Smart and Social Cities, Smart & Vital Cities, Urban Transformation Conference, Rotterdam, May 2016. []
Baar, T., Giest, S., Mans, U. and L. Vogel. Big data for City Diplomacy. ISA Annual Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2016. (Paper presented by Thomas Baar)
Giest, Sarah. Big Data Analytics for Policymaking: Government Capacity and Knowledge Brokers in Smart Cities. Research-Policy Workshop on Knowledge, Policymaking and Learning in European Metropolitan Areas, Brussels, January 2016.
Giest, Sarah and Sarah Hartley. Life science clusters as spaces for responsible research and innovation. NWO Conference on Responsible Innovation, The Hague, August 2015.
Giest, Sarah. Large- and small-scale policy instruments for collaboration: Lessons learned from life science clusters in Chicago, Copenhagen and Singapore. ICPP Conference, Milan, July 2015.
Giest, Sarah. Overcoming ‘glocality’ in climate change: Policy entrepreneurs as capacity-building network managers. INOGOV Workshop ‘Novel Approaches to Climate Governance and the role of Entrepreneurship’, Amsterdam, May 2015.
Giest, Sarah. ‘The challenges of facilitation changeover: Trust renewal mechanisms in innovation networks’, IRSPM, Birmingham, March 2015.
Giest, Sarah. ‘The changing role of hospitals in local innovation networks: Policy implications from the Illinois Medical District’, MPSA conference, Chicago, April 2014.
Giest, Sarah. ’Overcoming the failure of ‘Silicon Somewheres’: Facilitating collective learning efforts in innovative networks’, Workshop on ‘Policy Design and Governance Failures’, NUS, Singapore, February 2014.
Giest, Sarah. ’Place-based policy in climate change: Flexible and path-dependent elements’, CPSA conference, Victoria, June 2013.
Giest, Sarah. ’Networking in the life science sector: The missing link in British Columbia’, BCPSA conference, Vancouver, May 2013.
Giest, Sarah. ’Addition to the family: Innovation governance success through network managers’, CAPPA conference, Toronto, May 2013.
Giest, Sarah. ’Capacity-Building through Network Management: Cluster Facilitators as Procedural Tools’, EU-SPRI conference, Madrid ESP, April 2013.
Giest, Sarah. ’Cluster Facilitators and Procedural Tools in Biotechnology Commercialization Policy: The British Columbia Case’, IPSA Conference, Madrid ESP, July 2012.
Giest, Sarah. ’Multi-level Governance and Place-Based Policy-Making for Climate Change Adaptation: The European Experience and Lessons for British Columbia’, Pacific Climate Change Solutions (PICS): The Road Ahead, Victoria BC, June 2012.
Giest, Sarah - Discussant at ‘From Preferences to Policy: Advances in the Study of Political Representation’, Centre for Public Opinion and Political Representation at SFU, Vancouver BC, June 2012.
Giest, Sarah and Anil Hira. ’Explaining the Success of Clusters: A Framework for the Study of Global Wine Industry Dynamics’, Industry Studies Conference, Pittsburgh PA, May 2011.
Giest, Sarah. ’Cluster facilitators in the wine industry’, Wine Competitiveness Workshop, Penticton BC, June 2011.